Sunday, January 11, 2009

Study Photojournalism in Berlin

John Freeman, at the University of Florida, sent along information on his May class that will be taught in Berlin this spring. I know one UGA student is already enrolled, and in 2005 several students went and reported it to be a great experience. (Work from that trip is still available for viewing.)

So why would I tell you about a May class elsewhere when we'll have one here? Several reasons, the first being it's a chance to travel abroad and see the world from a radically different perspective. But the larger reason is that it will let you learn about photojournalism from a different perspective. 

One of the weaknesses of our program here at UGA is that it is just one voice, one view. Getting to hear another view is critically important. Photojournalism can be approached and practiced from a lot of ways, not understanding that one photo can generate several different and valid responses might lead to a lot of frustration. 

Look at the work, look at the program. Time's a little short so get to it.